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Why men cheat on pretty girls!

A common question we all seem to ask whether in their minds or out loud is, “Why do men cheat on pretty girls?” After some conversations on the subject, it caused me to ponder on it. Why DO men cheat on attractive women? How come there are so many uglier (as society would say) women who seem to be in happier relationships with faithful men? 

One of the main reasons attractive women get cheated on so much is that attractive women attract  men who care solely about looks. Think about it, all of the shallow men who only care about looks are gonna go straight after these girls. This is a huge contributing factor because a lot of attractive women are lazy, or feel they might be too good to approach a man, so they pick the man to have a relationship with out of the guys who have already approached them. Basically choosing the best out of the worst.

Sometimes you have to make an effort to get the better guys. Good guys are not truly infatuated with looks and will not chase a girl just because he sees other guys are doing it. He will not be a woman’s groupie. He knows that looks aren't everything and he is able to see the personality of a woman, through her looks. 

As women we sometimes like to think that every guy we should talk to or build a relationship with should approach us or chase us down. The problem is that this is not true and is what can cause difficulties when it comes to finding the right guy who will be faithful.

One of the other big reasons is that some ladies would rather be with a gorgeous, arrogant guy who treats them like crap than be with a decent looking man who would treat her right and give her the world.Looks are not everything; just because he looks good doesn't mean he is right for you!

The point I’m trying to make to women is to stop being so lazy. You don’t have to choose the guy you want to be with out of the guys who approach you, also just because a guy asks you for your number, doesn't mean you need to give it to him. If you really want someone, and think that he is right for you, go get him. Nothing worth having is easy and good things come with patience and work so put some effort into the next guy you decide to be with and see how big of a difference it can make.