Filled Under: Relationship
5 Bad Common Dating Habits
Here are 5 bad dating habits we all need to work on:
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1.) Having most of your conversations through texting. I know it’s convenient to text and texting does have a place, but make talking on the phone a greater priority than texting. Texting is impersonal and it just opens the door for a tone of miscommunication. I think most of us have had a texting conversation go wrong. Can you think of a time when you misinterpreted the tone or intent of a message? It happened to me just recently! So, let’s actually talk more than text.
2.) Posting your business and subliminal messages on social media. I see this all the time on social media and I know it’s tough for some people to avoid doing this. Often we get caught up in the emotions of the moment and we just write without thinking. Whatever you feel should be expressed privately to your partner and not broadcast over your social media channels. Communication is so important to a relationship and communicating through social media is not a healthy medium for speaking to your partner.
3.) Failure to clearly define the relationship. How many times have you had to ask, “What are we?” The answer, or lack of an answer, to this question will tell you something about your relationship. Refuse to be in a relationship or situation where things are unclear and not defined. Adults should be able to openly and honestly state what they desire in a relationship. Don’t allow anyone to mislead or use you for something they desire from you, but they are unwilling to commit to a relationship.
4.) Mixing sex with love. Sex is not love and love is not sex. Not understanding this is contributing to your heart being broken and believing the false promises that people will make to you. Yes, sex is an emotional thing for most women and for some men. However, you can’t continue to abuse yourself with the false emotions sex will bring. Stop equating sex with love. Sex is for marriage for a reason and we often fail to understand the problems sex before marriage can cause us.
5.) Failing to accept people for who they are. When entering into a dating situation leading to courtship, you are choosing to be with all of their prior actions and behaviors. If you can’t accept that, you are not loving unconditionally. If something about their past bothers you, deal with it in that moment and not down the road. The best relationships will always have vulnerability, honesty, God, and love as their foundation.
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