Extreme Jealousy -
Many cheats are very jealous and insecure. Often the jealousy that they project towards their spouse is a reflection of their own personal unfaithfulness, whether it be emotional cheating or physical cheating. They will often deflect their own suspicions on their partner. They automatically think everyone is cheating just because they are. Even if their partner is innocent of the charges.
Emotionally Manipulative -
In order for their unfaithfulness to remain undetected, a cheater must manipulate the person they are cheating on. It's a way to keep their partner off-balance and make them second-guess their gut instincts. Most seasoned cheaters are very skilled at emotional manipulation. The ones that are not manipulating their spouses or partners are often the ones that are caught by someone they know or by their partner. They may also be the ones with a conscience and may truly be feeling dishonorable with respect to their actions.
Overly Flirtatious and Insecure -
Not all flirts are cheaters. Being overly flirtatious can stem from a need for attention which is caused by insecurity or low self-esteem. An affair often alleviates those feelings of insecurity. Flirting can open the doors to infidelity because it's often based on sexual chemistry which can ignite the fire of infidelity. Infidelity is a non-realistic form of attachment because it is based on only the fun times unlike the happy, sad, trying times that you may share with a mate. Often this masks an underlying fear of abandonment. The fear of being alone can make someone seek an additional relationship as a security that they won't be left alone.
Insatiable -
Often cheaters are unsatisfied in their life. Whether it's emotionally, or sexually, they are continually looking for that something that they're missing within themselves. They are seldom content with their lives as they are and seek out new ways to fill the void in their emotional being. Additional relationships are a temporary fix for them and often this trait is shared by a compulsive or serial cheater.
Compulsive Lying -
While a compulsive liar may not be a cheater, often lying and deception is a two-pronged skill that a cheater is adept at. Most serial cheaters are seen as compulsive liars because it's a convenient way to mask their illicit affairs. It also helps to keep their partner second-guessing themselves and leaves them free to carry on their cheating ways.
Narcissistic -
A narcissist has a sense of entitlement that most others do not. The are able to use other people for their own pleasures without giving a second thought to their victim's feelings. Always very selfish and highly greedy, they feel entitled to their needs and make no apologies. In fact, they will often deflect with lies and manipulation in order to fuel their exploits.