Online dating is one of the things many frown upon, however it’s producing many good relationships and even marriages. People who speak negatively about online dating fail to recognize few things….
We are no longer in the cavemen days.
Many recognize that we are modernized and technology make communication easier for us, however they refuse to apply it in the dating world. They would rather stick to the “original” way of meeting people and force themselves to stay in their local range. That’s no different from arranged marriages.
Not everyone online have fake identities.
There’s this false belief that the girl or the guy you’re talking to might be someone extremely overweight, a serial killer, rapist or molester and so forth. That creates this fear of connecting with people past the platonic level. Ask yourself this? Are you online? Do you talk to people online? Are you keeping it real online? Now if your answer is yes to all of those, now ask yourself how many other people use the internet the same way you do. Real people use the internet not just you.
Not everyone you connect with will be in your vicinity.
Some of the people you relate to the most are sometimes those who live the furthest from you. Don’t let your location limit your connection with someone. You are not obligated to find someone in your area to date or fall in love with you. You are simply obligated to find someone you have a real chemistry with and willing to build a successful relationship with…which can be anyone from anywhere.
Long distance relationships work.
Like everything else people will ignore the positive and believe in the negative. Long distance relationships do not suck. People who started long distance relationships with the wrong motives make long distance relationships suck. If you get two people who have a real connection and are keeping it real with each other the long distance relationship will succeed. As long you both are committed, faithful, have good communication and have the trust established… you are good.