Filled Under: Facts
Top 8 Interesting Facts about Dreams
after watching the movie Inception, (fantastic movie by the way),
thoughts and wonders about how dreams really do work have been running
through my mind ever since. After doing some research on, I found there are a lot of very interesting facts
about dreams. Though the impression Inception may have left on us is far
from the actual reality of dreams, there are still many interesting
facts about them. The following are the top eight interesting facts that
I found.
1) We Rarely Remember Our Dreams
5 minutes of waking, 50% of your dream has been forgotten. Within 10
minutes 90% of it is forgotten. When we have a great dream, its best to
think about it immediately after we wake because we have a much greater
chance of remembering it then, instead of trying to think about it later
on during the day.
2) The Shorter the Sleep, the Better
may have noticed that, while taking short naps, it seems that you might
have 3, 4, or even 5 dreams. This is because the less you sleep, the
more we have dreams that we can actually remember. During that 10
minutes of extra sleep you get after pressing that snooze button, it may
seem you have more dreams than you had the entire 6-10 hours you slept.
3) Blind People Dream
who have become blind after birth can see images in their dreams.
People who have been blind their whole lives cannot see images, but have
dreams that involve their sense of sound, smell, touch and other
4) Not all Dreams are in Color
show, 12% of people dream only in black and white. From 1915 to 1950
majority of the dreams where in black and white, after the 60s the rate
of dreams in black and white decreased drastically. This may possibly be
due to the change from black and white to color television.
5) You Dream Four to Seven Dreams Each Night
Usually this is one to two hours every night.
6) Animals Dream Too
show the same brainwaves as humans do during their sleep. You may
notice a dog whine or move its paw while sleep as if he is running or
chasing something.
7) Men and Women Dream Differently
normally dream most about other men, while women have equal number of
men and women in their dreams. Men also tend to dream with more
8) You Can Experience an Orgasm in Your Dream
the sensations (touch, feel, emotions) can be the same in a dream as in
real life, the possibility of having an orgasm is very high, even
without any wet results.
Images source - (all images used are taken from google's collection of public images available for public use)