3 Things You Should Never Accept

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A man that says “I’m just so busy”

Ladies, it’s true, we appreciate a hard working man. I mean it’s a great feeling to see a man going hard to further his education, putting in work in his career, and jumping at great opportunities that present themselves. All of that is wonderful, but a man that starts out with an excuse as to why his communication isn’t great is the worst. A good woman isn’t needy, but she does need to know that you care enough about her to make time for her. This doesn’t mean holding extra long conversations throughout your busy workday or checking in every 5 minutes. This means making sure she knows that she’s in your thoughts and that you care. A simple good morning call or text before work, even if you have to just leave a voicemail. A random message during the day to let her know she crossed your mind, seeing how her day was once you get settled in. The point here is, when a man is truly into you he will do what it takes to help maintain the relationship, he will be eager to communicate when he can. You won’t always have to make requests to see him because he will look forward to spending time with you when he’s free. NEVER accept “I’m too busy, I’m just so busy” because we make time for whom and what we want to make time for, and a man surely makes times for a woman of interest. That just comes naturally. You deserve someone who is excited about your existence and eager to spend time with you when he can, especially in the early stages of a relationship where getting to know each other better is crucial. Don’t settle.

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Qualities You Should Look For in a Man

#1 Intelligent

Now, we’re not talking about the next Einstein level of genius (but if he is, you might be in luck!). Having someone who is intelligent make them more likely to be understandable, considerate, according to a few random studies online they are less likely to be unfaithful and nothing is more attractive than someone who has a brain and uses it.

#2 Hard-working

A guy that works hard is someone that will always care about the future with you; he will be a great provider in the long run if you choose to have a family with him later on. Unless his main goal in life is to get ahead of everybody, his work-ethic should be a sign of a man you can trust with your future.

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4 Tips To Change Negative Thinking

1. Change your thoughts.
If you are thinking negative thoughts, just stop. Intentionally focus on the positive things happening in your life. "Let's say you're turning into a victim. Like 'Poor me. Everybody's against me. Nobody at work appreciates me. I'm never going to get my raise.' You are working yourself up in a negative frenzy," she says. 'You have to stop yourself and (think) 'No, I'm not going there.'" Think of it this way: Modern conveniences alone have elevated your quality of life immeasurably compared with the billions of people who have lived and died on this planet over the course of history. You have countless things for which to be grateful.

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